About One Health Pass

One Health Pass

The One Health Pass (OHP) is a web-based framework and Movement Wellbeing Testament. The report is a way for the Filipino government to screen the well-being status of foreign nationals visiting the Philippines and limit the gamble of Coronavirus transmission. The Agency of Isolation (BOQ) executed this new framework.

What is One Health Pass

One Wellbeing Pass is at present accessible just through the online interface, and there is no application accessible. Nonetheless, the OHP is a data framework that is portable and responsive and is open on cell phones, tablets, PCs or PCs. So, you can open the OHP utilizing a portable or PC web program.

While the Philippines has facilitated a significant portion of its movement limitations, heading out to the nation expects travelers to submit fundamental reports, giving subtleties of their visit and medical issues.

One such significant travel essential in the Philippines right currently is the One Wellbeing Pass. Here is all you should realize about One Wellbeing Pass in the Philippines.

Who desires to register for the One Health Pass?

As referenced, all approaching explorers to the Philippines are ordered to utilize the One Wellbeing Pass enrollment framework.

This applies to:

Abroad Filipino Specialists (OFWs)

Non-OFWs, and

Outside Nationals

To put it plainly, all travelers headed for the Philippines from abroad, no matter their ethnicity or calling, should apply for the One Wellbeing Pass enrollment to get a QR code and present it to specialists. The Department of Isolation (BOQ) will isolate all explorers who can not be checked in OHP enrolment.

When to register

The finest time to register is the time when you are finished with booster. As then you need to determine whether you are excused from the pre-departure testing requirements. However, some people are still dismissed, which are:

  • Passengers above 18 years of age have been fully vaccinated and have taken booster doses.
  • People between the age of 12-17 who are vaccinated
  • Passengers below 11 and below.

How to register

Here are the simple steps to follow in the registration process:

Step 1

Visit the One Health Pass OHP online website by following their link.

Step 2

Proceed to fill up all the details as follows

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Nationality
  • Bank details
  • Passport details
  • Aadhaar card details
  • Pan card details
  • Vaccination does register the number

You will likewise have to give your immunization subtleties, flight plans, and travel history. You will given a QR code and an exchange number upon effective enrollment.

One Health Pass (3)

The structure then, at that point, asks you for subtleties covering:

  • Convenience address in the Philippines.
  • Travel details.
  • Whenever you have responded to every one of the inquiries, you should give Coronavirus related well-being data.
  • Inoculation status and details.
  • Travel history throughout the previous 30 days.
  • Openness to Covid.
  • Side effects.

Before presenting the structure, you should click that the data you give is precise and valid. Non-OFWs and far-off nationals are expected to get a pre-approved Quarantine Inn for 10 days.

According to IATF Goal No. 159 s. 2022, Global showing-up travelers may, at this point, not be expected to notice obligatory office-based quarantine.

Can introduce a negative Opposite Record – Polymerase Chain Response (RT-PCR) test required within 48 hours (48hrs) preceding take off from the nation of beginning.

Therefore, It is wholly immunized and has the accompanying verifications of immunization against Coronavirus perceived under existing IATF guidelines.

One Health Pass Declaration Form

The One Wellbeing Pass HD means ‘electronic Well-being Statement Card.’ The eHDC should finished and submitted electronically by all showing-up voyagers to the Philippines. Upon fruitful accommodation, explorers will given an OHP unique QR code which will permit them to load onto their flight. Explorers should introduce this QR code upon appearance in the Philippines for confirmation.

Advanced Features of One Health Pass

One Health Pass QR code

The OHP QR code given after effectively presenting the EDC electronically. Therefore, Voyagers might take a screen capture or print this to guarantee they have a duplicate of the QR code.

If voyagers can’t expeditiously take a screen capture, the QR code likewise shipped to the given email address during enrollment. Explorers may open or print this email for the show at the air terminal and upon appearance in the Philippines.

One Health Pass edit my profile feature

Suppose you’ve committed an error during your IDC accommodation or want to change your appearance date, address, or other information. In that case, you can, in any case, alter your knowledge and give your information presently can’t seem to checked.

Be that as it may, you can never alter your information again when BOQ has checked it. You might contact the OSS Checking and Activity Center (OSS Macintosh) for your solicitation. You can get in touch with them

One Health Pass transaction number

Alongside the QR code, fruitful registrants will likewise get an exchange number through the given email. The exchange number expected for the enlistment/accommodation of HD.

One Health Pass validity

Enrolment permitted no less than three days before your flight date. Therefore, This implies your enrolled information will viewed as invalid if your enlistment date isn’t within three days of your actual appearance date.

One Health Pass swab test result

Whenever you have got exchange number. You can without much of a stretch, track the situation with your swab test by

  • Visiting the authority following element on onehealthpass.com
  • Enter your last name and exchange number
  • Login to see the results

Do Residents needs to get One Health Pass

Residents and inhabitants of the Philippines should likewise show an endorsed One Wellbeing Pass. Travelers should have this extra travel report even with an inhabitant license or a Filipino identification.

How Much Does One Health Pass Amount Cost

This is likely the earliest thing that strikes a chord when you figure out you need to enroll or apply for something. Indeed, this time, fortune has smiled on you. Therefore, the Philippines One Wellbeing Pass is for nothing. As you don’t need to pay a solitary dollar to get your One Wellbeing Pass for the Philippines.


Therefore, World Wellbeing Association Global Declarations of Inoculation and Prophylaxis; VaxCertPH; or Public/state computerized declaration of the foreign government. Which has acknowledged VaxCertPH under a corresponding game plan except if generally allowed by the IATF