Palliative Care- Hi Folks, Welcome To My Blog Again. Today Lets Read About  Palliative Care. Palliative care is for the person living in the last days of their lives. They tend to provide comprehensive support for the patient and those around him.

Palliative Care

It helps maintain the quality of life of a patient with a severe, progressive, or terminal illness. This care aims to relieve the patient’s pain, taking his psychological, social, and/or emotional suffering into account.

Who should benefit from palliatives care and why? This article will tell you everything you need to know about these late introduced treatments in France and Canada.

 What Is It?

It  is a range of care services for people with a severe, progressive, or terminal illness.

The goals of palliatives care are diverse:

relieve physical pain;

relieving or reducing other symptoms (anxiety, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.);

addressing the psychological, social, and spiritual suffering of patients and their families;

Palliative Care Units (USP) are reserve for the most complex cases that cannot be treated at home or in a traditional hospital;

mobile palliative care teams (PFMTs) traveling within different departments of a hospital or at home;

Hospice beds in hospitals (officially referred to as non-USP identified hospice patient care).

also, In France, palliative care can be provided in different structures:

palliative care units (USP);

mobile palliatives care teams (PMTS);

Beds identified in palliatives care.

There are 28 palliative care homes in Quebec in 15 socio-medical regions.

Care can also be provided in a hospital or CHSLD (Long-Term Care Facility) as well as at home.

 Who Is Entitled To Palliative Care?

Although most patients admitted to the palliatives care unit end their lives there, a large proportion of those permitted stay in the department for only a limited time.

Palliatives care is intend for anyone suffering from a severe, progressive, and incurable illness at the end of life or as soon as necessary.

Historically, palliatives care was primarily developed for people with cancer. However, many other patients may benefit, including:

because people with fatal chronic circulatory and respiratory diseases;

also people  with dementia or other neurological disorders;

as well as, People suffer from other pathological severe conditions, whether related to functional insufficiency or not (heart failure, respiratory failure, renal failure, AIDS).

Although oral feeding is preferred, intravenous feeding/hydration may be required.

Is It Possible To Withdraw From Palliative Care?

Indeed, patients may leave palliatives care to re-enter oncology or return home.

However, the number of people leaving palliatives care remains very low.

How Long Can You Live In Palliatives Care?

Most palliatives care patients come to an end in their lives. However, some people only spend a few days in hospice care.

It  lasts 18 days, but some patients stay longer and others less.

 What To Expect From The Palliative Care Service?

It is delivered by multidisciplinary health teams that include doctors, nurses, and other professionals who care for people at the end of their lives or who have severe illnesses with a poor prognosis.

because , it relies on many medications and supportive interventions, including:

painkillers (opioids);

palliatives chemotherapy (to prolong life, improve patient comfort);

Drugs to relieve various symptoms (laxatives, antiemetics, corticosteroids);

medicines to ease anxiety and sadness (neuroleptics);

also, psychological support;

Speech therapy, physiotherapy, massages, etc.;

various techniques such as music therapy, balneotherapy, etc.;

as well as, Emergency sedation (agitation, bleeding, extreme difficulty breathing).

 What Is A Palliatives Care Unit?

It  provide by a multidisciplinary team that typically includes:

doctors (general practitioners, oncologists);



nursing assistants;

massage therapists (physiotherapists);

speech therapists;

Social worker;

as well as , volunteers

Thanks to these diverse health professionals, the pathway to delivering this care is diverse.

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